Our Dispute Policy

Our Bloody Brilliant Dispute Resolution Process

Step 1: Raise the Alarm

Got a beef with your latest Funko Pop? Is it not the real McCoy, or perhaps it's just not tickling your fancy? Don’t just sit there stewing; let us know! Drop us a line at hey@geekpeek.co.uk with the subject line “Houston, We Have a Pop Problem”. Make sure to include your order number, a pic of the cheeky bugger causing all this ruckus, and a blurb about what’s got your knickers in a twist.

Step 2: The Inspection

Once we get your cry for help, our team of eagle-eyed Funko experts (who, between you and me, can spot a fake Pop while blindfolded, hanging upside down) will dive into your case. They'll scrutinize your complaint with the precision of a Sherlock Holmes investigation, focusing on the authenticity or any other qualms you've got with your purchase.

Step 3: The Verdict

Within 48 hours (because we know waiting sucks), we’ll get back to you with our verdict. If we find your Funko Pop is as fake as a politician's promise or if it's just not up to snuff, we’ll move on to Step 4 faster than you can say “Bob’s your uncle!”

Step 4: Making It Right

Here’s where we roll out the red carpet to make amends. Depending on what tickles your fancy, we can offer:

  • A full refund (because sometimes, it’s just not meant to be)
  • An exchange for a Funko Pop that doesn’t make you want to cry into your cornflakes
  • A discount on your next purchase (so you can give us a chance to redeem ourselves in your eyes)

Step 5: Prevention Is Better Than Cure

We don’t just sweep issues under the rug. We’ll use your feedback to have a chinwag with our suppliers, ensuring that this kind of tomfoolery doesn’t happen again. Your happiness is our top priority, and we’re dead serious about keeping our Funko Pops top-notch.


If you’re lost in the process or just want to have a natter, our customer service team is here. They’re chatty, helpful, and love a good Funko Pop chat. Reach out, and let’s sort it together!